大気海洋科学大講座のトップ画像 (沖縄の空と海)



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  • 問い合わせ先: 木下 または 森岡


年/月/日 発表者 発表の題目
04/22/2009 (水) Prof D. G. Andrews (University of Oxford) [16:00〜17:30、理学部1号館336号室]
Research in Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics at Oxford, UK
06/09/2009 (火) Dr. Dong L Wu
(Aerosol and Cloud Group)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
09/17/2009 (木) 安成 哲三 教授
温室効果ガス増加以前(18−19世紀)のアジア大陸における農耕地拡大(森林破壊)がアジアモンスーンに与えた影響について −大気大循環モデルによる数値実験−
10/22/2009 (木) Dr. Takeshi Izumo
Role of the tropical Indian Ocean in climate variability - Two examples:
1) Somalia-Oman upwelling and Indian monsoon rainfall variability
2) Interannual variations of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in boreal winter
10/23/2009 (金) M. Joan Alexander
(NorthWest Research Associates Colorado Research Associates (CoRA) Division Sr. Research Scientist)
Modeled Gravity Waves Generated by Convection: Direct Validation with Satellite Observation
11/02/2009 (月) Prof. Sumant Nigam
(University of Maryland)
Droughts over the US Great Plains and the Indo-Gangetic Plains: The remarkable influence of SSTs
12/16/2009 (水) 佐々木 嘉和 教授
(Prof. Yoshi K. Sasaki) George Lynn Cross Research Professor Emeritus, The University of Oklahoma; Also, Weathernews Group Counselor
[15:00〜16:30、理学部1号館中央棟3階 336号室]

Tornadogenesis and Entropic Balance Theory:

Transition from Supercell to Tornado

12/24/2009 (木) Dr. Alexandre Laine
(JSPS postdoctoral fellow)
[15:30〜17:00、理学部1号館中央棟3階 336号室]

Storm-track changes under glacial and warm climatic conditions

1/15/2010 (金) 大野木 和敏 氏 (気象庁数値予報課) [10:30〜12:00、理学部3号館3階 326号室]


1/25/2010 (月) 田村 仁 博士
(海洋研究開発機構 地球環境変動領域)
Towards the construction of a freak wave prediction system in the Kuroshio region
3/23/2010 (火) Dr. C. June Chang
(Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Oceanic Dynamics Associated with ENSO in Affecting the SST Variation in the Western Pacific / Philippine Sea Sector

Last updated: 2014-11-10 22:38:13 JST