- SATREPS Workshop on "Climate and Weather Predictions and its Application to the Southern African Region" (Feb. 23, 2012)
- An article entitled "U. of Tokyo Professor Uses a New Supercomputer Model to Accurately Predict 2012 Seasonal Climate Patterns" on Market Watch (Jan. 31, 2012)
- An article entitled "U. of Tokyo Professor Uses a New Supercomputer Model to Accurately Predict 2012 Seasonal Climate Patterns" on JCN Network (Jan. 31, 2012)
- Morioka et al. ("Subtropical dipole modes simulated in a coupled general circulation model") is accepted by Journal of Climate (Dec. 30, 2011)
- Kataoka et al. ("The Indian Ocean subtropical dipole mode simulated in the CMIP3 models") is accepted by Climate Dynamics (Dec. 5, 2011)
- COP 17 side event@Durvan: "African Climate Variability as a Test for Climate Change Model" (Dec. 2, 2011)
- Dr. Babatunde Abiodun received an Award for Best Scientific Presentation at the WCRP Open Science Conference (Oct. 28, 2011)
- SATREPS Symposium on Climate Prediction and Its Application in the
Southern Africa Region (Oct. 20-21, 2011)
- 2nd Lecture series by Japanese scientists (Oct. 8-23, 2011)
- Introduction of our project to Minister Masaharu Nakagawa (Oct. 14, 2011)
- Ratnam et al. ("A simple regional coupled model experiment for summer-time climate simulation over southern Africa") is accepted by Climate Dynamics (Sep. 3, 2011)
- Nakamura ("Impacts of SST anomalies in the Agulhas Current System on the regional climate variability") is accepted by Journal of Climate (Aug. 30, 2011)
- South Africa-Japan SATREPS Workshop on Ocean Dynamics (Aug. 25, 2011)
- SATREPS Workshop at Limpopo
(Aug. 25, 2011)
- UTCM was installed in CSIR for seasonal prediction in South Africa (Aug. 24, 2011)
- SATREPS Symposium on Prediction of Climate Variations and its Application in the Southern African Region
(Aug. 22-23, 2011)
- Public Lecture on "Seasonal climate: What can we predict?"
(Aug. 19, 2011)
- 2nd Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) Meeting (Aug. 19, 2011)
- Meeting of Japanese members (Aug. 5, 2011)
- Automatic weather stations are set up in Limpopo Province to verify regional climate predictions (May-Jun. 2011) (Picture 1, Picture 2)
- Beal et al. ("On the role of the Agulhas system in ocean circulation and climate") is published in Nature (Apr. 28, 2011)
- Meeting of Japanese members (Apr. 8, 2011)
- Two Japanese members participated in "Seasonal forecasting information dissemination workshop"@Pretoria (Apr. 5-6, 2011)
- Morioka et al. ("On the growth and decay of the subtropical dipole mode in the South Atlantic") is accepted by Journal of Climate (Apr. 5, 2011)
- Tozuka et al. ("Key factors in simulating the equatorial Atlantic zonal SST gradient in a coupled GCM") is accepted by Journal of Geophysical Research (Mar. 23, 2011)
- SATREPS Symposium on Simulation and Prediction of Climate Modes Influencing the Southern African Region (Mar. 17-18, 2011) has been postponed.
- Lecture series by Japanese scientists at University of Pretoria, Western Cape University, Rhodes University, and South African Weather Service (Feb. 20 - Mar. 10, 2011)
- Newsletter of SAEON
(Feb. 2011)
- Renewal of our project web page (Jan. 12, 2011)
- WG #2 Meeting (Dec. 20, 2010)
- SATREPS Symposium on Climate Prediction and Information for the Society (Dec. 16-18, 2010)
- International Symposium on "Roles of the Indo-Pacific Oceans in Climate Change and Variability in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of IOC/UNESCO"
(Dec. 2-3, 2010)
- WG #1 Meeting: SATREPS Workshop on Climate Variations and Predictions for Southern Africa @ University of Tokyo (Dec. 1, 2010)
- Mini-Workshop on Seasonal and Interannual Climate Variation @ University of Tokyo (Nov. 30, 2010)
- Dr. Satyaban B. Ratna joined JAMSTEC (Nov. 1, 2010)
- Drs. Motoki Nagura and Wataru Sasaki joined JAMSTEC (Oct. 1, 2010)
- Dr. Pascal Oettli joined the University of Tokyo as a project research associate(Oct. 1, 2010)
- Three Japanese members participated in the 26th annual South Afirican Society Atmospheric Sciences conference
(Sep. 20, 2010 - Sep. 22, 2010)
- Richter et al. ("On the triggering of Benguela Ninos: Remote equatorial versus local influences") is accepted by Geophysical Research Letters (Sep. 16, 2010)
- News in University of Pretoria
(Sep. 10, 2010)
- SATREPS Workshop on Seasonal and Inter-Annual Climate Variability @ University of the Western Cape
(Aug. 25, 2010)(Picture)
- South Africa-Japan SATREPS Kick-Off Symposium @ Department of Science and Technology
( Aug. 20, 2010)
- University of Tokyo Coupled Model (UTCM) is installed in CSIR (Aug. 18,2010)
- Japanese delegation to South Africa (Aug. 16, 2010 - Aug. 28, 2010)
- This project is introduced in the White Paper on Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of MEXT (Jun. 22, 2010)
- Morioka et al. ("Climate variability in the southern Indian Ocean as revealed by self-organizing maps") is accepted by Climate Dynamics (May 12, 2010)
- Meeting of Japanese members (Apr. 23, 2010) (Picture)
- Japanese delegation to South Africa (Apr. 3, 2010 - Apr. 12, 2010)