Refereed Articles
Wang, G., W. Cai, A. Santoso, N. Abram, B. Ng, K. Yang, T. Geng, T. Doi, Y. Du, T. Izumo, K. Ashok, J. Li, T. Li, S. McKenna, S. Sun, T. Tozuka, X. Zheng, Y. Liu, L. Wu, and X. Li
"The Indian Ocean Dipole in a warming world"
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 5, 588–604, 2024.
Yamagata, T., S. Behera, T. Doi, J.-J. Luo, Y. Morioka, and T. Tozuka
"Climate phenomena of the Indian Ocean"
"The Indian Ocean and its role in the global climate system", 103-119, 2024.
Tozuka, T., L. Dong, W. Han, M. Lengaigne, and L. Zhang
"Decadal variability of the Indian Ocean and its predictability"
"The Indian Ocean and its role in the global climate system", 229-244, 2024.
Han, W., L. Zhang, G. A. Meehl, S. Kido, T. Tozuka, Y. Li, M. J. McPhaden, A. Hu, A. Cazenave, N. Rosenbloom, G. Strand, B. J. West, and W. Xing
"Sea level extremes and compounding marine heatwaves in coastal Indonesia"
Nature Communications, 13, 6410, 2022. (Editor's Highlight )
Doi, T., S. Yasunaka, K. Takahashi, M. Watanabe, T. Tozuka, and H. Kurihara
"Decadal vision in oceanography 2021: Tropical Oceans"
Oceanography in Japan, 30, 5, 105-129, 2021.
Yamagami, Y., T. Tozuka, and B. Qiu
"Interannual Variability of the Natal Pulse"
Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 124, 9258-9276, 2019.
Richter, I., P. Chang, Z. Xu, T. Doi, T. Kataoka, M. Nagura, P. Oettli, S. de Szoeke, and T. Tozuka
"An overview of coupled GCM biases in the tropics"
In "The Indo-Pacific Climate Variability and Predictability", World Scientific Publisher on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate, 213-263, 2016.
Qu, T., T. Tozuka, S. Kida, X. Guo, Y. Miyazawa, and Q. Liu
"Western Pacific and marginal sea processes"
In "The Indo-Pacific Climate Variability and Predictability", World Scientific Publisher on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate, 151-186, 2016.
Kida, S., H. Mitsudera, S. Aoki, X. Guo, S. Ito, F. Kobashi, N. Komori, A. Kubokawa, T. Miyama, R. Morie, H. Nakamura, T. Nakamura, H. Nakano, H. Nishigaki, M. Nonaka, H. Sasaki, Y. N. Sasaki, T. Suga, S. Sugimoto, B. Taguchi, K. Takaya, T. Tozuka, H. Tsujino, and N. Usui
"Oceanic Fronts and Jets around Japan - a review"
Journal of Oceanography, 71, 469-497, 2015.
Kataoka, T., T. Tozuka, S. K. Behera, and T. Yamagata
"On the Ningaloo Nino/Nina"
Climate Dynamics, 43, 1557-1573, 2014.
Doi, T., T. Tozuka, and T.
"Equivalent forcing depth in tropical oceans"
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 50, 415-423, 2010.
Qu, T., J. Gan, A. Ishida, Y. Kashino, and T. Tozuka
"Semiannual Variation in the Western Tropical Pacific Ocean"
Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L16602, doi:10.1029/2008GL035058, 2008. [pdf]
Tozuka, T., J. J. Luo, S. Masson, S. K. Behera, and T.
"Annual ENSO simulated in a coupled ocean-atmospher model"
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 39 (1-2), 41-60, 2005.
Tozuka, T. and T. Yamagata
"Annual ENSO"
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 33 (8), 1564-1578,
2003. [pdf]
Other Scientific Articles
Kiso, S., I. Richter, T. Tozuka, and P. Chang
Using linear inverse modelling to assess tropical interbasin interaction
CLIVAR Exchanges No. 80, 31-35, 2021.
Tozuka, T., A. C. Subramanian, and C. C. Ummenhofer
Climate Information and Prediction across Timescales
CLIVAR Exchanges No. 78, 52-58, 2020.
Tozuka, T.
"Climte Variation"
Simulation Dictionary, Pg. 59, 2012.
Tozuka, T., J.-J. Luo, S. Masson, T. Yamagata
"Decadal variability in the tropical Indian Ocean"
Gekkan Kaiyou, Vol. 39, No. 10, 677-682, 2007.
Tozuka, T.
"Seasonal Air-Sea Interaction in the Tropics"
Oceanography in Japan, 15, 455-463, 2006.
Tozuka, T., H. Sasaki, Y. Masumoto, and T. Yamagata
"High resolution ocean general circulation model"
"Benguela: Predicting a Large Marine Ecosystem", Shannon et al., Eds., Elsevier, 2006.
T. Tozuka, T. Miyasaka, A. Chakraborty, M. Mujumdar, S. K. Behera, and T. Yamagata:
"University of Tokyo Coupled Model (UTCM)"
Ocean-Atmosphere Research Report, 44pp, 2006.
Tozuka, T. and T. Yamagata
"Basin-scale seasonal air-sea interaction in the tropical Pacific:
Annual ENSO"
COE21 International Symposium Proceeding, 2004. download
Chakraborty, A., T. Tozuka, T. Miyasaka, M. Mujumdar, S. K.
Behera and T. Yamagata:
"Development of the University of Tokyo Community Model (UTCM) for
climate system: Preliminary results"
Technical Report for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Dec. 2003. 49pp.
Tozuka, T. and T. Yamagata
"Two modes of ENSO"
Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 84 (9), 1195, 2003.
Tozuka, T.
"On cyclic and oscillatory convection in a simplified box model
with entrainment"
GFD Fellow Report, 44, 2002.
Tozuka, T. and T. Yamagata
"Interannual variations of the Mindanao Dome and ENSO"
Gekkan kaiyou, gougai 24, 90-97, 2001. (in Japanese)
Tozuka, T., T. Kagimoto, Y. Masumoto, and T. Yamagata
"Numerical simulation of the western tropical Pacific: Variations of
the Halmahera Eddy"
Gekkan kaiyou, Vol. 34、No. 5、352-356、2002. (in Japanese)