- Refereed Articles
- International Conference
- Domestic Conference
Refereed Articles
- Okui, H. & Sato, K. (2020).
Characteristics and sources of gravity waves in the summer stratosphere based on long-term and high-resolution radiosonde observations. SOLA, 16, 64-69.
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- Okui, H., Sato, K., Koshin, D., & Watanabe, S. (2021).
Formation of a mesospheric inversion layer and the subsequent elevated stratopause associated with the major stratospheric sudden warming in 2018/19. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2021JD034681.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., & Watanabe, S. (2022).
Contribution of gravity waves to universal vertical wavenumber (~m-3) spectra revealed by a gravity-wave-permitting general circulation model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD036222.
- Sato, K., Tomikawa, Y., Kohma, M., Yasui, R., Koshin, D., Okui, H., et al. (2023).
Interhemispheric Coupling Study by Observations and Modelling (ICSOM): Concept, campaigns, and initial results. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD038249.
- Okui, H., Wright, C. J., Hindley, N. P., Lear, E. J., & Sato, K. (2023).
A comparison of stratospheric gravity waves in a high-resolution general circulation model with 3-D satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2023JD038795.
- Okui, H., Koshin, D., Watanabe, S., & Sato, K. (in press).
Roles of Gravity Waves in Preconditioning of a Stratospheric Sudden Warming, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
International Conference
- Okui, H., & K. Sato, K.,
Characteristics and sources of gravity waves in the summer stratosphere based on long-term and high-resolution radiosonde observations.
EGU General Assembly 2020, D2393, online, 4-8 May (8 May) 2020, oral.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., Koshin, D., & Watanabe, S.,
Formation of double stratopause and elevated stratopause associated with a stratospheric sudden warming.
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020, C002005, online, 12-16 July (14 July) 2020, poster.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., Koshin, D., & Watanabe, S.,
A study of dynamical processes in the middle atmosphere associated with a sudden stratospheric warming using a high-resolution and high-top general circulation model.
the 11th Symposium on Polar Science, online, 16 November-18 December (3 December) 2020, oral.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., Koshin, D., & Watanabe, S.,
Formation of the double stratopause and elevated stratopause associated with the major stratospheric sudden warming in 2018/19.
EGU General Assembly 2021 (vEGU2021), online, 19-30 April (29 April) 2021, oral.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., Koshin, D., & Watanabe, S.,
Formation of the Double Stratopause and Elevated Stratopause Associated with the Major Stratospheric Sudden Warming in 2018/19.
18th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, online, 1-6 August (4 August) 2021, oral.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., & Watanabe, S.,
Contribution of gravity waves to the universal vertical wavenumber (m-3) spectra revealed by a gravity-wave permitting general circulation model.
The 12th Symposium on Polar Science, online, November (16 November) 2021, oral.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., Koshin, D., & Watanabe, S.,
Formation of a mesospheric inversion layer and the subsequent elevated stratopause associated with the major stratospheric sudden warming in 2018/19.
STP-15, online, 21-25 February (22 February) 2022, oral.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., Koshin, D., & Watanabe, S.,
Formation of a mesospheric inversion layer and the subsequent elevated stratopause associated with the major stratospheric sudden warming in 2018/19.
SPARC Gravity Wave Symposium 2022, online, 28 March-1 April (31 March) 2022, oral.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., & Watanabe, S.,
Contribution of gravity waves to the universal vertical wavenumber (m-3) spectra revealed by a gravity-wave permitting general circulation model.
SPARC Gravity Wave Symposium 2022, online, 28 March-1 April (29 March) 2022, poster.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., & Watanabe, S.,
Contribution of gravity waves to the universal vertical wavenumber (m-3) spectra revealed by a gravity-wave permitting general circulation model.
EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria & online, 23-27 May (25 May) 2022, oral.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., & Watanabe, S.,
Roles of Gravity Waves in Preconditioning of a Stratospheric Sudden Warming.
SPARC General Assembly 2022, Reading, UK, 24-28 October (26-28 October) 2022, poster.
- Okui, H., Wright, C. J., Hindley, N. P., & Sato, K.,
A comparison of stratospheric gravity waves in a high-resolution general circulation model with 3-D satellite observations.
EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria & online, 23-28 April (24 April) 2023, EGU23-14145, oral (PICO presentation).
- Okui, H., Wright, C. J., Hindley, N. P., Lear, E. J., & Sato, K.,
A comparison of stratospheric gravity waves in a high-resolution general circulation model with 3-D satellite observations.
AOGS2023, Singapore, 30 July-4 August (3 August) 2023, AS40-A014, oral.
- Okui, H., Sato, K., & Watanabe, S.,
A Study on Roles of Gravity Waves in Interhemispheric Coupling Using a High-Resolution General Circulation Model.
AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA & online, 11-15 December (15 December) 2023, A53K-2383, poster.
Domestic Conference
- 奥井晴香, 高麗正史, 佐藤薫,
日本気象学会2019年度春季大会, (東京,国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター,2019.5.15~18 (5.15)) 口頭
- 奥井晴香, 高麗正史, 佐藤薫,
日本地球惑星科学連合(JpGU)2019年大会,(千葉,幕張メッセ, 2019.5.26-30 (5.29)) 口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫, 小新大, 渡辺真吾,
日本気象学会2019年度秋季大会, (福岡, 福岡国際会議場, 2019.10.28~31 (10.28)) 口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫,
2019年度PANSY研究集会,(オンライン開催, 2020.3.12) 口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫, 小新大, 渡辺真吾,
日本気象学会2020年度秋季大会, (オンライン開催, 2020.10.25~30 (10.30)) 口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫, 渡辺真吾,
日本気象学会2021年度春季大会, (オンライン開催, 2021.5.16~20 (5.18)) 口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫, 小新大, 渡辺真吾,
日本流体力学会2021年度年会 (オンライン開催, 2021.9.21~23 (9.21)) 口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫, 渡辺真吾,
日本気象学会2021年度秋季大会, (三重, 三重大学, 2021.12.2~8 (12.6)) 口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫, 渡辺真吾,
2021年度PANSY研究集会,(オンライン開催, 2022.3.9)口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫,
日本気象学会2022年度春季大会,(オンライン開催, 2022.5.17~21(5.20))口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫, 渡辺真吾,
日本地球惑星科学連合(JpGU)2022年大会, (千葉, 2022.5.22~27(5.26)) 口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫, 渡辺真吾,
MTI研究集会, (オンライン開催, 2022.9.28) 口頭 *invited
- 奥井晴香, Corwin Wright, Neil Hindley, 佐藤薫,
日本気象学会2023年度春季大会,(東京&オンライン, 2023.5.16~20(5.17))口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫, 渡辺真吾,
日本気象学会2023年度秋季大会, (宮城, 仙台国際センター, 2023.10.23~26 (10.26)), C456, 口頭
- 奥井晴香, 佐藤薫, 渡辺真吾,
2023年度PANSY研究集会,(国立極地研究所, 2024.3.25)口頭
Charing Sessions at Scientific Meetings
- AGU Fall Meeting session co-convener, “Atmospheric Gravity Waves, from the Surface to the Edge of Space”(A52C,A53K), December 2023