2023.06.14 論文"A Comparison of Stratospheric Gravity Waves in a High-Resolution General Circulation Model with 3-D Satellite Observations"がJournal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphereより出版されました (https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JD038795).
2023.05.29 佐藤薫教授らによる共著論文"Interhemispheric Coupling Study by Observations and Modelling (ICSOM): Concept, Campaigns, and Initial Results"がJournal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphereより出版されました (https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JD038249).
2022.05.20 論文 "Contribution of gravity waves to universal vertical wavenumber (~m-3) spectra revealed by a gravity-wave-permitting general circulation model"がJournal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphereより出版されました (https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD036222).
2021.11.01 各ページを更新しました。
2021.09.09 論文 "Formation of a mesospheric inversion layer and the subsequent elevated stratopause associated with the major stratospheric sudden warming in 2018/19"がJournal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphereより出版されました (https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JD034681).
2020.03.03 論文"Characteristics and sources of gravity waves in the summer stratosphere based on long-term and high-resolution radiosonde observations"がSOLAに受理されました(Okui and Sato, 2020)。