

Kohma, M., Sato, K., Fritts, D. C., and Lund, T. S., Numerical simulation of orographic gravity waves observed over Syowa Station in the Antarctic.


M. Kohma, Estimate of Turbulent Energy Dissipation Rate from the VHF Radar And Radiosonde Observations in the Antarctic.
Kohma, M., Sato, K., Fritts, D. C., and Lund, T. S., Numerical simulation of orographic gravity waves observed over Syowa Station.


高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 堤雅基, 南極昭和基地上空の乱流エネルギー散逸率の季節性.
Kohma, M., K. Sato, K. Nishimura, and M. Tsutsumi, Estimation of turbulent energy dissipation rates by a VHF radar in the Antarctic.
Kohma, M., and K. Sato, Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rates Around the Polar Vortex in the UTLS Region in the Antarctic.
Kohma, M., Sato, K., Tsutsumi, M., and Nishimura, K., Estimation of turbulent energy dissipation rates in the mesosphere by a VHF radar in the Antarctic.


水越将敏, 高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 南極沿岸域における極端な対流圏界面の折れ込み現象の力学的解析.


高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 熱帯域のLapse-Rate Tropopause高度の季節サイクル.
Kohma, M., and K. Sato, A Diagnostic Equation for Tendency of Lapse-Rate-Tropopause Heights and its Application.
Kohma, M., and K. Sato, A Diagnostic Equation for Tendency of Lapse-Rate-Tropopause Heights and its Application.


Kohma, M., K. Sato, K. Nishimura, M. Tsutsumi, T. Sato, A statistical analysis of the spectral width of the PMWE observed by the PANSY radar at Syowa Station (69°S, 40°E) in the Antarctic.
高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 北極域のLapse-Rate Tropopause高度の季節サイクル.
高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 西村耕司, 堤雅基, 南極大型大気レーダー(PANSY)で推定された南極上空の乱流エネルギー散逸率.
Kohma, M., and K. Sato, Tendency equation for lapse-rate-tropopause heights.
高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 西村耕司, 堤雅基, 南極UTLS領域における乱流パラメータの極渦・総観規模擾乱への依存性.


Kohma, M., K. Sato, K. Nishimura, and M. Tsutsumi, Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rates Depending on the Polar Vortex and on Synoptic-scale Disturbances in the UTLS Region in the Antarctic.
Kohma, M., and K. Sato, Tendency equation for lapse-rate-tropopause heights.
Kohma, M., K. Sato, K. Nishimura, Y. Tomikawa, and T. Sato, Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate derived from multi-year observations by radar and radiosonde in the Antarctic.
高麗正史, 佐藤薫, Lapse-Rate Tropopause 高度の傾向方程式の導出とその適用.


Kohma, M., K. Sato, and Y. Tomikawa, Seasonal variation of Thorpe scale and energy dissipation rate derived from radiosonde observations at Syowa Station in the Antarctic.
Kohma, M., K. Sato, K. Nishimura, Y. Tomikawa, and T. Sato, Energy dissipation rate estimation based on observations by the PANSY radar in the Antarctic.
高麗正史, 気象学会山本賞受賞記念講演「極域対流圏界面雲の出現に関する力学的研究」.


高麗正史, PANSYレーダーを用いた極域中間圏夏季エコー(PMSE)と中間圏界面付近の風速の統計解析.


Kohma, M., and K. Sato, Simultaneous occurrence of polar stratospheric clouds and upper tropospheric clouds caused by blocking anticyclones.
Kohma, M., and K. Sato, Time variation of upper tropospheric clouds in the polar region during sudden stratospheric warming.
Kohma, M., and K. Sato, Time variation of clouds in the upper troposphere in the polar region during stratospheric sudden warming.
Kohma, M., and K. Sato, Simultaneous occurrence of polar stratospheric clouds and upper tropospheric clouds caused by blocking anticyclones in the Southern Hemisphere.


高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 成層圏突然昇温時に見られる極域対流圏上層の雲出現頻度の変動について.
高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 自転角速度ベクトルの水平成分により境界に捕捉されるKelvin波とRossby波 .
Kohma, M., and K. Sato, Simultaneous occurrence of polar stratospheric clouds and upper tropospheric clouds caused by blocking anticyclones.


高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 北半球における極成層圏雲と上部対流圏の雲の関係.


高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 極成層圏雲と対流圏上層の雲との関係 -ブロッキングの役割-.
高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 極成層圏雲と対流圏上層の雲の関係についての解析.


Kohma, M., and K. Sato, A study of modulation of polar stratospheric clouds by atmospheric waves in the Southern Hemisphere using CALIPSO lidar data.
高麗正史, 佐藤薫, 衛星ライダー観測データを用いた南半球における極成層圏雲と大気擾乱の関係の解析.
高麗正史, 佐藤薫, CALIPSO衛星搭載ライダー観測データを用いた極成層圏雲の解析.
高麗正史, 佐藤薫, CALIPSO衛星搭載ライダー観測データを用いた極成層圏雲の解析.


高麗正史, 佐藤薫, CALIPSOを用いた極成層圏雲の解析.