船舶観測の先が暗いのはアメリカも同様で、これと呼応しているのかわからないけれど『将来の気候変動を理解するための船舶観測の継続』という文書が出ている。問題点は第五章にまとめてあって、P.92 にはズバリ
Ocean observations for climate are at the root of a value chain that provides broad social and economic benefit.
だって。こういう事実をちゃんと会社の人たちに売りこむべく Ocean-Climate Partnership な組織を作ろう、と。第五章をまとめた冒頭部には
The long-term investment required to develop and sustain the necessary expert workforce of the future is a challenge due to limited professional rewards or career incentives at research institutions and laboratories to ensure intergenerational succession of scientists, engineers, and technical staff.
Closing these budgets has been identified as a priority in national and international global ocean observing planning and climate research programs (US CLIVAR,2013; Benway et al., 2016; GCOS, 2016).
these = heat, freshwater, carbon つーことでやはり。