
13 Nov 2014

厳密科学では、理論は統括の役割を果たすが 気候学では、理論は作業に奉仕する「注釈」にすぎない。

H. ストンメル, E. ストンメル著 ; 山越幸江訳『火山と冷夏の物語』第十一章 (チェンジングブルー、第五章、巻頭言 P.119)

以下 2018/6/17 追記

やっとこさ原典を見る機会に恵まれた。H. Stommel and E. Stommel "Volcano Weather -- the story of 1816, the year without a summer", Seven Seas Press, Newport, RI, USA, 1983 の P.124。

In contrast to the unifying role that theory plays in the exact sciences, theory in climatology is a gloss that keeps the task interesting.


We can scarcely dispute the notion that the primary task of those interested in climate is to discover new kinds of data, new techniques of analysis and to assemble measurements with the greatest geographical coverage, at all altitudes in the air and depths in the ocean, as frequently as possible. Every hopeful lead, be it in tree glaciers, ice cores or the ocean bottom, needs exploration.
