Project Postdoctral Fellow |
2002: |
B. S. in Department of Earth and Planetary Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. | |
2004: |
M. S. in Department of Earth and Planetary
Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo. |
2008. |
Ph. D in Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo. |
My supervisor was Prof. Toshiyuki Hibiya. |
9. |
Furuichi Naoki, Hibiya Toshiyuki, Niwa Yoshihiro. Assessment of turbulence closure models for resonant inertial response in the oceanic mixed layer using large eddy simulations, IUGG 2011 General Assembly,Melbourne, Australia, 28 June - 7 July, 2011. | |
8. |
Furuichi Naoki, Hibiya Toshiyuki, Niwa Yoshihiro. Model predicted distribution of wind-induced internal wave energy in the world's oceans, IUGG 2011 General Assembly,Melbourne, Australia, 28 June - 7 July, 2011. |
8. |
Furuichi Naoki, Hibiya Toshiyuki, Niwa Yoshihiro. Model predicted distribution of wind-induced near-inertial wave energy in the world's oceans, 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Oregon, USA, February, 2010. |
7. |
Furuichi, N.,
Y. Niwa, T. Hibiya. Model predicted distribution of wind-induced
internal wave energy in the world's oceans, Asia Oceania Geophysics
Society, Busan, Korea, 2008. |
6. |
Furuichi, N.,
Y. Niwa, T. Hibiya. Global Mapping of wind-induced internal wave
energy in the deep ocean, 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Florida, USA,
March, 2008. |
5. |
Furuichi, N.,
T. Hibiya, Y. Niwa. Bispectral analysis of energy
transfer within the two-dimensional oceanic internal wave field, 2006
Ocean Sciences Meeting, Hawaii, USA, February, 2006. |
4. |
N., Y. Niwa, T. Hibiya.
Bispectrum analysis of energy cascade
within the deep ocean internal wave spectrum, 1st General Assembly of
European Geoscience
Union (EGU), Nice, France, April 2004. |
3. |
Nagasawa M., T. Hibiya,
Y. Niwa, N. Furuichi, S. Takagi.
High and
latitude observations of near inertial current shear in the deep ocean
using expendable current profilers, XXIIIth General Assembly of the
Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Sapporo, Japan, June 2003. |
2. |
Hibiya T., M. Nagasawa,
Y. Niwa, M. Watanabe, N. Furuichi, Y. Kitade, Y.
Kawamura, H. van Haren, H. van Aken.
Global mapping
of diapycnal diffusivity in the deep ocean based on fine-scale vertical
shear measured by expendable current profilers, XXIII General Assembly
of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Sapporo,
Japan, June 2003. |
1. |
Hibiya T., M. Nagasawa,
Y. Niwa, M. Watanabe, N. Furuichi, Y. Kitade, Y.
Kawamura, H. van Haren, H. van Aken.
mapping of
diapycnal diffusivity in the deep ocean based on fine-scale vertical
observed by expendable current profilers, EGS-AGU-EUG 2003 Joint
Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003. |